
Contact Us

  • Call or Text Us At: (310) 936-1256
  • Operation Hours M - F 9AM-5PM (Pacific Standard Time) Weekends - Closed
  • For general customer support please email us at  Info@OwnTheAvenue.com (Forwards To OwnTheAvenue@Yahoo.com)
  • For custom printed orders, please email your art work to   OwnTheAvenue@Yahoo.com 
  • Info@OwnTheAvenue.com forwards to OwnTheAvenue@Yahoo.com, if you get a reply from OwnTheAvenue@Yahoo.com - This is our official email address.

      We typically reply to emails and/or text messages within 1 - 2 business days. If you need to reach us after hours, or a customer service agent is not available, you can leave a voicemail and/or drop us a text - We maybe on the other line with a customer, or in our productions office / manufacturing and packaging our orders, encase an agent does not answer.  

     We will get back to you the next business day, as soon as one of our staff are available. Please be assured we take all customers' orders very seriously and strive to ensure they have the best / most confident shopping experience here at OwnTheAvenue.com - Thank you