
About Us

About Us:

OwnTheAvenue proudly offers:

-Pre designed stickers / decals

-Pre designed license plate frames

-Pre designed apparel

-Custom Sticker / Decal printing

-Custom apparel manufacturing &/or Printing

-Custom Vinyl Printed Business Signage (For store fronts / owners)

-Custom Printed Car Vinyl Graphics

And any thing in between.

Feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns you may have, at our contact us page.


See Our Story Below:

      In the summer of 2002, David Bibiyan formed a band with his friends from his high school. He picked up the guitar and started singing in 2001, and after sometime of practice, he decided to create a band. David decided to make his bands first merchandise. They recorded their first album in 2005, and sold their merchandise online, along at their local gigs that they performed.

       During the early years of life as being a musician, and creating merchandise for his band - He also embarked on a new clothing line that he created. His bands music got local radio play, sold in record stores, and also played sold out local gigs, in Los Angeles, California - He also skated with his band mates, went surfing, and his band would always practice / perform on the weekends, during his teenager years.

       Unfortunately, after his bands second album, the drummer moved away from the band, and the bass player joined a side project - They never picked up another drummer, and so David Bibiyan decided to go solo. Just his singing & acoustic guitar. He is still playing music however, and has released a few solo albums since then. He still plays music and is always writing new material, as you can find his music on YouTube & Apple iTunes.

       David Bibiyan decided to open a printing company, after his band broke up, and he became a dedicated solo artist / musician. He opened up his first factory, in 2009 - Printing banners, vinyl stickers, license plate frames, and t-shirts, on numerous ecommerce platforms for years.

        After having experience in the printing / manufacturing field, for over 15 years, David Bibiyan decided to take his passion for printing / artwork up a notch, and create a full on, dedicated printing company - All printed and made from his factory of supplies. From the materials he uses, to the time, focus and precision of his works, he prides himself in ensuring, customers receive not only a superior product at OwnTheAvenue - But also 15+ years of artistry and manufacturing experience as well, with passion and joy behind every single piece of product created, at his factory.

       "I only create products / merchandise, that I would personally want to enjoy & use myself - Only the best of the best, is what I really want to deal with, as I feel every one deserves to look and feel amazing in their life."

      With passion, peace and love,

-David Bibiyan

Owner, Founder, & Artist
